Friday, April 16, 2010

Solitary Confinement, doe.

If i were to draft a law regulating the use of solitary confinement, i would have a limit on how long one can stay in solitary confinement. i would have a limit of 1 year. a prisoner can not stay in solitary confinement for more than a year, this would be my law.

i would give prison officials a "free hand" in deciding the limitations that the prisoners have in the jail cell. i would want to stay out of contributing to deciding the restrictions because i am not involved directly in the prison, and i do not plan on being involved. the prison official are the ones who deal with the prisoners on a daily basis and they should be the ones saying what they can or can not do in jail. they also should be the ones to decide when they should be in solitary confinement.

i do not think prisoners should be able to challenge their solitary confinement in court. one gets what they deserve, if they acted out in jail then they deserve to be in solitary confinement and that is their own fault. they should of thought about their actions before they were accounted for. by letting prisoners challenge their solitary confinement, they will not be learning from their m,mistakes and it will only allow prisoners to have control and i believe prisoners should have no control on ce they have committed a crime and are in jail.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


I feel as though gangs will never end and will always be present in our world. Everybody wants and will always need safety and money. If one is in desperate need for these two things then one will join a gang and it could be a good thing for them. There is a huge population of gangs and law enforcement officers will not be able to control them and catch all of them. some ideas that we came up with to stop gangs were setting up more community stops and centers for teens and adults. By having these centers open at night people will be able to feel safe and comfortable in that type of area. One more way to stop gangs in our community is t increase the police enforcement and have them around more often, especially at night and when it gets dark.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Insanity Defense

The Andrea Yates case was very disturbing and made me exteremly angry. I feel as though Andrea should of been sentenced to life or the death penalty. although she was insane she was good for a period of time and when she started getting worse again her family should of put her back in rehab. Insanity cases are complicated and should not be a good idea. If someone is insane they should be out into a mental hospital to be taken care of with proper treatments. Being insane is a mental illness, but that is no excuse to murder five innocent children. By believing she was a horrible mother and it is almost like she was almost possessed by something else. Insanity cases are very hard to deal with and should be taken into careful consideration. I am very against the outcome of this case and feel it was not enough of a punishment due to the actions that were taken place.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

ending crime

Personally i think crime can be prevented but not stopped. Some ways we can prevent crime in our society is through the media. There are many videogames and television shows that display violence and crime. Children are watching this and learning at a young age what crime is and how to go about it. To prevent this from happening parents should monitor what their children are watching, some videogames should have a limit on them . There are many limitations on wanting to prevent crime, alot of time would have to be dedicated in the hopes of preventing crime. Genetics, poverty, and the media are all main causes of crime, by focusing on these three issues we will be able to attempt and prevent crime from happeneing so frequently. There will never be a one way solution to crime.